“Tutto per Gesù! Il mio motto, il mio pensiero, la mia volontà; la gioia e il dolore, la sanità, la malattia, l’amicizia e l’abbandono, la vita e la morte, tutto per Gesù e per Lui solo”

Beato Pianzola


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he home for retreats is a
cozy silent habitat,
that can house
youngsters for a pause of self analysis;
newly wed couples,
whole families,
for a better insight,
in peace, of their alliance to Christ.
The home may host
priests, religious individuals
that want to refuel in the quiet
the energies of the Spirit.
Parochial groups
for program and spirituality days.

Father Francesco Pianzola's retreat home
in Sartirana (Pavia)
Missionary sisters of the Immaculate
Queen of Peace.
The house for retreats is in Sartirana,
which is a small farm area in the Lomellina.

in the surroundings there are many historical memoirs: the castle is the most impressive of them.In the quiet of the ancient quarter, there is the family house of Father Pianzola, the founder of the missionary sisters. The house was refurbished recently in order to be suitable for retreats. It is open to host singles and small groupsfor a peaceful stay, in meditation and prayer.A Chapel is in the house, there is a living room; rooms with single beds and services;under-roof rooms.
The house has a kitchen that can be used by the guests.

For information and reservations refer to
Community of Missionary Sisters of
the Immaculate Queen of Peace.
27020 Sartirana Lomellina (Pavia)
Tel 0384/800080

Mother house
Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Queen of Peace.
27036 Mortara (PV) - tel. 0384/295462
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sito web: www.pianzoline.it

Via Nigra,5
27020 Sartirana Lomellina Pavia Italy

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